Large Print

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We serve many people living with conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, etc. and unable to read standard print. Check out our current large print offerings!

New American Bible

The New American Bible (Revised Edition) is 13 volumes in total and available in size 22 font, sans-serif. That's pretty large! This translation of the Bible is approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Read the Gospels, Old Testament, New Testament - whatever you desire! We also provide the New American Bible in braille and Talking Book. This essential resource is provided free-of-charge, as are all of our materials.

Examples of the braille and large print Mass Propers

Large Print Mass Propers (Missalettes)

One of our most important and popular publications is The Propers of the Sunday Mass – these include the readings, responses and prayers. It is essentially the Missalette for Mass on Sundays, First Friday and Saturday, and special feast days. Many of our clients are lectors in their parishes and use the Propers to serve their communities. Others use the Propers for their own private prayer and to help them prepare for and participate in Mass when they attend.

The Propers are mailed out to patrons weeks in advance, so they are sure to arrive in plenty of time for patrons to prepare for Mass. The Propers are also available in braille and for download in .BRF, audio, and large print (rich text format).

Watch this space....stay tuned for further updates on our large print offerings!