Patron Stories: Dee

Dee wearing a beautiful blue shirt with her cane pictured in her church

Dolores (Dee) B. is a braille patron who uses her incredible talents to go above and beyond for others. With the help of our monthly braille Mass Propers, she leads the Responsorial Psalm at Mass in her parish all while playing the keyboard. Here is more about her:

I was born in November of 1955, which preceded my due date by two months, causing my blindness. My fascination with music probably began with a musical stuffed animal I cuddled in my crib. I was educated at the Texas School for the Blind and continued at Austin Peay State University in Tennessee.

I converted to Catholicism in 1983. It was then, by contacting the Texas State Library that I learned about the Xavier Society. They sent me books on tape required for the RCIA class.

My music ministry began at about this time. I served at Saint Luke’s Catholic Church in Temple, Texas, from 1983 until 1989, both keyboard and vocals. In 1987, I began volunteering at St. Mary’s Catholic School as a music teacher. In 1989, I transferred to St. Mary’s Catholic Church and served that parish until 2010. I was employed as the church director at Holy Trinity Catholic High School from 2002 through 2004. During that time the choir placed in state TAPS competition. I also perform for many weddings and funerals for the Catholic community in this rural area. In 2010 I transferred to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Killeen, Texas, where I am presently serving.

The Propers of the Masses which I receive from the Xavier Society are key to my being able to effectively minister to my parish. I have also received the Catholic Bible on CDs which is valuable to my spiritual growth.

I am grateful for having this opportunity to thank the Xavier Society by sharing my small talents. I hope to be able to help you even more through prayer.

**We’d like to thank Dee for her support over the years. Check out this video which showcases her talents. We are very proud to have her as a patron!