Patron Stories: Dr. Kathie

Katherine Schneider, Ph.D. is a retired clinical psychologist living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin with her ninth Seeing Eye dog. She’s been a Xavier Society patron for over thirty years. Kathie joined the Catholic Church in 1986, partly because of Xavier Society for the Blind. Kathie receives the Propers of the Sunday Mass in braille which she uses to lector, and other spiritual readings so she can grow in her Faith. Currently she is serving on her parish council and has had the joy of being a confirmation sponsor.
Katherine has published a memoir To the Left of Inspiration: Adventures in Living with Disabilities, a children’s book Your Treasure Hunt: Disabilities and Finding Your Gold and a book for seniors, half of whom will develop disabilities, Occupying Aging: Delights, Disabilities and Daily Life. All are available from the National Library Service and from Bookshare.
She originated the Schneider Family Book Awards for children’s books with disability content through the American Library Association and an award for superior journalism about disability issues through the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University.
Locally, she started the Access Eau Claire fund through the Eau Claire Community Foundation to help non-profit organizations work toward full inclusion of people with disabilities. She says XSB is one of her favorite charities and she has gotten her parish to contribute as well. She’s a passionate advocate for access for all to the good things of life. In addition to her advocacy work, she is part of five book clubs and enjoys playing bridge. For more information about our inspirational patron, check out Kathie’s Blog here.