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Recent audio additions

Here is a listing of some of the newest releases on talking book available from our audio library. These books will play on the machines provided by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). For more information on our audio services please click here. If you'd like a complete listing of our Talking Book audio library, please check out our catalog by clicking here.

Life Lessons: Fifty Things I Learned in My First Fifty Years by Patrick Madrid (DBX1201): Popular author and presenter Patrick Madrid draws Life Lessons from the many interesting, funny, instructive, and poignant experiences of his life. With wisdom and good humor, Patrick reflects upon the treasure trove of riches we can all take from our daily lives. Grounded in Scripture and a firm moral foundation, this book shows how the smallest stories that make up your life are clear pointers to the greater story of God's work in your life. With wisdom and good humor, Madrid reflects upon the treasure trove of riches we can all take from our daily lives.

Walking In Newness of Life: The Sacraments of Initiation by Robert Sargent (DBX1195): Offers an insightful combination of the theology and spirituality of the Sacraments of Initiation in a most accessible way. The book explores the history and development of each of the three sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and draws upon the biblical foundations of each. It also finds a firm basis in the teaching of the Church mindful of the contemporary reader and the issues that confront the church today in practicing these three Rites of Initiation. Unique in its combination of theology with biblical background and spirituality, this book has been time tested in parish and college groups, who learned much and encouraged the author to turn it into a book.

Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life by Henri Nouwen (DBX1214): Discernment features the wisdom that spiritual leader and counselor Henri J. M. Nouwen brought to the essential question asked by every Christian and seeker: What should I do with my life? Nouwen emphasizes listening to the Word of God—in our hearts, in the Bible, in the community of faith, and in the voice of the poor as a way to discern God’s plan.

Believing in Jesus: A Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith by Leonard Foley, OFM (DBX1211): Leonard Foley wrote Believing in Jesus to help "born Catholics" come to a deeper understanding of the beliefs and practices they have held all their lives and to help those who approach the Catholic Church for the first time. He wrote, "I hope this book will help some scared and scarred people and challenge others." This book captures the Christian's continuing journey of faith, ever new, ever alive-yet always founded on God's steadfast love for us. Fr. Foley leads the reader from early Old Testament times through a world starting over in Jesus, and looking ahead to the time when Jesus will come again and we will share fully in his life.

The Psalms: Your Model and Guide to Prayer by Fr. Michael Guinan, OFM (DBX1199): With one of the world’s best Old Testament professors as your teacher, you will explore the many paths of prayer created for us by the Book of Psalms’ divinely inspired brilliance. Enter into the ancient world of the psalms. You will explore the literary forms of the psalms, especially praise and lament. You will learn how the New Testament writers and early Christians used the psalms. The psalms have their origin in the worship and prayer of ancient Israel, and now you, too, can discover them as models and guides for your life of prayer.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: A Prophet for Our Times by Andrew Apostoli, CFR (DBX1200): Voted one of the top five most influential Catholics of the 20th Century, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, captivated a weekly television audience of millions for over thirty years. Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR, explores the life and spirituality of this truly remarkable priest. Taking you beyond the brilliant orator in the media spotlight, Apostoli unearths the fascinating layers of an exceptionally gifted and humble pastor of souls. He reveals why Sheen's voice was and continues to be a prophetic one.