The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle: Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia by Victoria Schneider (B2008): St. Manuel felt called to the priesthood at the age of 12. After his ordination in 1901, he was sent to preach at a church which he found to be unclean and abandoned. There, praying before a Tabernacle covered in dust and cobwebs, with torn altar cloths and oil dripping onto the floor from the sanctuary lamp, he decided to dedicate his life to providing for Jesus' needs in the Tabernacle. This poor, abandoned Tabernacle taught the young priest more about the Love of Jesus than his years of theological study. It marked his entire life from that moment. He dedicated himself until his death to spreading devotion to the Eucharist.
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Cardinal John H. Newman - Three Biographical Articles from Online Sources (B9039): A booklet on the English theologian, academic, philosopher, historian, writer, and poet. First an Anglican priest and later as a Catholic priest and cardinal, he was an important and controversial figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century. He was known nationally by the mid-1830s, and was canonized as a saint in the Catholic Church in 2019.
Blessed Solanus Casey, a short biography and novenas (B6090, B9038): Blessed Solanus Casey was a missionary of mercy, sharing God's love with all, but he had a special affinity for the sick and the poor.
The Litany of Loreto (B6091): The Litany of Loreto is not just a particular prayer; the litany as we know it has roots in a whole system of prayers and ways of honoring God, his saints, and especially our Lady. It is a prayer of the people, of the streets rather than the sanctuaries; it is essentially a processional prayer.